Μελισσοκομικός Σύλλογος Νομού Πέλλας - Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος-ΠΕΝΤΑΠΛΑΤΑΝΟΣ ΤΘ 377,58100,ΓΙΑΝΝΙΤΣΑ ΠΕΛΛΑΣ-Τηλ:6937275481 Πρόεδρος Κοντόπουλος Αλέξανδρος, 6977 027612 Γιαλαμπούκης Γιώργος- Επίτιμος Πρόεδρος E-mail: beeclubpellas@yahoo.gr,beeclubpellas@gmail.com - BEE CLUB PELLAS-THE GREAT ALEXANDER-YΙANNITSA PELLAS, ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ-MACEDONIA- HELLAS-GREECE,- Ωράριο λειτουργίας (ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ+ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 18.00μμ-20.00μμ)

Δε φτάνει ο ήλιος μονάχα, η γη σοδειά να δώσει, χρειάζονται κι άλλα πολλά, και προπαντός η γνώση… (Κωστής Παλαμάς)

Έλληνες, ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ηγέτης θα βρεθεί. Το πιο σημαντικό αυτή τη στιγμή είναι να βρεθεί ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ!"

"Προδότης δεν είναι μόνο αυτός που φανερώνει τα μυστικά της πατρίδος στους εχθρούς, αλλά είναι και εκείνος που ενώ κατέχει δημόσιο αξίωμα, εν γνώση του δεν προβαίνει στις απαραίτητες ενέργειες για να βελτιώσει το βιοτικό επίπεδο των ανθρώπων πάνω στους οποίους άρχει..." - Θουκυδίδης (460-398 π.Χ.)

Λένε ότι οι πραγματικοί φίλοι μπορεί να περάσουν μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα χωρίς να μιλήσουν ή να ειδωθούν, χωρίς ποτέ να τεθεί σε αμφιβολία η φιλία τους. Όταν βλέπονται, ενημερώνονται σαν να είχαν μιλήσει την προηγούμενη ημέρα, χωρίς να λαμβάνεται υπόψη ο χρόνος που πέρασε ή πόσο μακρυά ήταν!

“Γίνε εσύ η αλλαγή, αν θες να αλλάξεις τον κόσμο” Μ.Γκάντι

etm-mthoney-720p από cosmosdocumentaries

Μακεδονία ~ Ένας πολιτισμός αποκαλύπτεται ~ bbc... από KRASODAD

Καιρός ...απο το toukairou.com


Πέμπτη 13 Νοεμβρίου 2014


Small hive beetle: you can 'keep doing beekeeping? 
Small hive beetle: CAN 'DO CONTINUE TO BEE?

Conference organized by the Association of Beekeepers Tuscan Provinces.

The meeting will be held on Saturday, November 15th 15:00 hours, at the Convention Center Exhibition Via Spallanzani 23 Arezzo.

Moderator: Henry Gualdani

15.00 - Institutional Greetings
Hector Barneschi- Director, OU Health food of animal origin in Az. USL 8 Arezzo- John Brajon (Head IZS Lazio and Tuscany) - Henry Gualdani- President AAPT
Mario Andreini - President Tuscany Miele- Duccio Pradella - President ARPAT

15:30 to 16:00
"Small hive beetle: the epidemiological situation and emergency management"
Maroni, Andrea Ponti (Ministry of Health) "

16:00 to 16:30
"Small hive beetle: recognition in the apiary and control mode"
John Format (IZS Lazio and Tuscany)

16:30 to 17:00
"Field trials: use of products with low environmental impact in the fight diseases bee"
Dario Deni (IZS Lazio and Tuscany-based Director Arezzo)


Ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον άρθρο!!!

The War of the associations (on the skin of beekeepers) 
Because these reflections? To try to understand all the hardships that are investing beekeeping in recent months. It 'obvious that all those implicated by the intervention will have the space to have their say. Never before has the beekeeping needs more than divisions and union battles. And this union to be represented consistently institutions, agreeing actions and messages. Why else would the division will never grow this sector, but it will become increasingly inconsistent and minority, with all due respect to the leadership of this or that association beekeeping

Since the first confused reports on the arrival of 'small hive beetle in Italy we have tried to inform beekeepers, collecting first-hand information not only from Professor Palmeri, the first to declare an outbreak of the beetle in the plain of Gioia Tauro, but using the testimony academics, researchers and beekeepers in the US, Australia, Germany and Switzerland.
At this point, however, we can not remain silent before the usual threat that you pour before: that the war between associations / federations beekeeping methods to combat this pest of beehives that could spread throughout Italy, despite attempts to eradicate in place.
The 'small hive beetle saw the protagonists of the comparison from early in the FAI and Unaapi. The first has enjoyed great visibility thanks to the presence on the field and the daily commitment in creating a huge effort to eradicate the small hive from the province of Reggio. The second one is committed to providing tools for beekeepers to recognize the beetle, methods for monitoring and scientific information on the potential consequences of his action. So far two of the two national associations - though not the only - operated from two different points of view, converging towards a single interest.
Today, however, the paths diverge on the future. It 'an honor for Apitalia find that primarily concern hosted on our site effectiveness and consistency of the process of eradication legislation in place in Calabria have been transformed, first in a letter sent by the regional authorities Calabrian to the Ministry of Health and Secondly, in a letter sent to the Ministry jointly by Unaapi and Conapi. This is a precious testimony of how the information can serve as a useful stimulus for associations and institutions in order to improve the methods of fighting the dangers threatening our bees and our companies.

Today, however, the FAI is positioned on a different route, not only sharply criticizing the letter of the Calabria region and to Unaapi and Conapi, so, at least, it seems to us, but also the reflections hosted on Apitalia. What the FAI seems to ignore or do not want to understand is that the criticism of the eradication procedure implemented according to an obsolete legislation (dating from 1954) is not a criticism of institutions, let alone a way to discredit them and the work and sacrifices of beekeepers Calabria who are seen to break down about 1800 hives. I think we should all, coordinate and take example from the bees that Unity made a way of life.
E 'on the contrary as a matter of principle. How will, in fact, the Italian government to deal with the emergency small hive? How long shall be the eradication and on the basis of which EU legislation is implemented? What will happen in the spring when specimens of small hive will be found in Calabria and in the rest of Italy? Continue the forced destruction of hives equalizing a parasite to a bacterial disease? These are the questions raised in the name of an interest than political or faction: the interest of the entire Italian beekeeping.
That on the other hand the FAI still do not understand the point you want to clearly show some passages of the letter sent today to the Ministry. In particular, those in which we speak of the "declaration of a state of endemicity of the disease" or the statement of "endemic" by the US in 2010 (?).

The small hive beetle is neither a disease nor a disorder, is a parasite.

And, not surprisingly, neither the United States nor Canada nor Australia has ever thought to stop the growth of the parasite through the incineration of hives.
 Not only does the National Bee Unit in the United Kingdom stated in his writings that "eradication is impossible," but it is written in large letters on the documents of the 'European Union Reference Laboratory for honey bee health that

"The Small Hive Beetle can not be Eradicated once well established. "

Another point touched by the FAI regarding the identification of the alleged perpetrators of the entrance of the 'small hive beetle in Italy. The letter makes reference to art. 500 of the Criminal Code.
Once again, this article talks about the introduction of a "disease", not an exotic pest.

And even if found that the parasite was introduced through trade in live bees or queens (and it would be interesting to see how this could be verified) the identification of the perpetrator does not coincide with the solution of the problems.
 It would be like watching the finger and not the moon. Why the moon is globalization and the almost total anarchy of the beekeeping sector this means caused by years of inconsistent action on the part of national and regional associations. Where were the associations when they were born like mushrooms breeders queens of many different breeds, resulting in uncontrolled trade in live bees? Where were they when EFSA published last year, arisk assessment of the potential arrival dell'Aethina in Europe? Where were they when the honey market was declining, production fell more and more, and despite all increased imports from abroad? Where were they when the Asian predatory wasp arrived in Italy, threatening the efforts of many beekeepers in Liguria? Where were finally all these years that saw the bees stay in the corner of the agricultural sector, ignored, discredited, abused by the many interests that collide with those of beekeepers?
This is not meant as a J'accuse an end in itself, but a way to encourage organizations to be considered are not always non-partisan problem solver in the industry, but an essential part of the problems. Because the association is not the equivalent of political representation is not pure, but dialogue, exchange of ideas and proposals, involvement and participation. And we intend to offer Apitalia space to anyone without prejudice, hostility or closures of any kind.
Unfortunately, it seems that today we do not want to project to the containment of future problems and adaptation of regulations 60 years old to contemporary reality, but if you want to transform the small hive and the complex and laborious efforts to eradicate in a victory of a federation, in a cross-flow through. Questioning this procedure is not, however, nor a way to show disrespect to the FAI, nor the many beekeepers who are bent on behalf of the common good and respect for the law. It is in short an act of treason, but a matter of realism. You have to be realistic about what awaits us in the future. And not only talking about small hive, but also Asian predatory wasp, an insect very least controllable of 'small hive beetle. Let alone fight to pesticides, GMOs, to neonicotinoids.

In short, today more than ever beekeeping needs more than divisions and union battles.
 And this union to be represented consistently institutions, agreeing actions and messages. Why else would the division will never grow this sector, but it will become increasingly inconsistent and minority, with all due respect to the leadership of this or that beekeeping association.
(By Francesco Colafemmina - 29/10/2014)

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