ΚΗΦΗΝΑΣ-ΒΑΣΙΛΙΣΣΑ-ΕΡΓΑΤΡΙΑ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΑ-Στο ιστολόγιο αυτό, θα βρείτε ζητήματα που απασχολούν τον μελισσοκομικό κόσμο τόσο του Νομού Πέλλας στην Μακεδονία όσο και της υπόλοιπης Ελλάδας. Στόχος είναι να υπάρξει ενημέρωση και ανταλλαγή απόψεων, με τρόπο διαφορετικό απ'ότι μέχρι τώρα. In this blog you will find comments on apiarian issues of the Prefecture of Pella-Macedonia Greece as well as the rest of the country. Our objective is the exchange of opinions and information .
Μελισσοκομικός Σύλλογος Νομού Πέλλας - Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος-ΠΕΝΤΑΠΛΑΤΑΝΟΣ ΤΘ 377,58100,ΓΙΑΝΝΙΤΣΑ ΠΕΛΛΑΣ-Τηλ:6937275481 Πρόεδρος Κοντόπουλος Αλέξανδρος, 6977 027612 Γιαλαμπούκης Γιώργος- Επίτιμος Πρόεδρος E-mail: beeclubpellas@yahoo.gr,beeclubpellas@gmail.com - BEE CLUB PELLAS-THE GREAT ALEXANDER-YΙANNITSA PELLAS, ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ-MACEDONIA- HELLAS-GREECE,- Ωράριο λειτουργίας (ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ+ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 18.00μμ-20.00μμ)
Δε φτάνει ο ήλιος μονάχα, η γη σοδειά να δώσει, χρειάζονται κι άλλα πολλά, και προπαντός η γνώση… (Κωστής Παλαμάς)
Έλληνες, ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ηγέτης θα βρεθεί. Το πιο σημαντικό αυτή τη στιγμή είναι να βρεθεί ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ!"
"Προδότης δεν είναι μόνο αυτός που φανερώνει τα μυστικά της πατρίδος στους εχθρούς, αλλά είναι και εκείνος που ενώ κατέχει δημόσιο αξίωμα, εν γνώση του δεν προβαίνει στις απαραίτητες ενέργειες για να βελτιώσει το βιοτικό επίπεδο των ανθρώπων πάνω στους οποίους άρχει..." - Θουκυδίδης (460-398 π.Χ.)
Λένε ότι οι πραγματικοί φίλοι μπορεί να περάσουν μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα χωρίς να μιλήσουν ή να ειδωθούν, χωρίς ποτέ να τεθεί σε αμφιβολία η φιλία τους. Όταν βλέπονται, ενημερώνονται σαν να είχαν μιλήσει την προηγούμενη ημέρα, χωρίς να λαμβάνεται υπόψη ο χρόνος που πέρασε ή πόσο μακρυά ήταν!
“Γίνε εσύ η αλλαγή, αν θες να αλλάξεις τον κόσμο” Μ.Γκάντι
etm-mthoney-720p από cosmosdocumentaries
Μακεδονία ~ Ένας πολιτισμός αποκαλύπτεται ~ bbc... από KRASODAD
Δε φτάνει ο ήλιος μονάχα, η γη σοδειά να δώσει, χρειάζονται κι άλλα πολλά, και προπαντός η γνώση… (Κωστής Παλαμάς)
Έλληνες, ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ηγέτης θα βρεθεί. Το πιο σημαντικό αυτή τη στιγμή είναι να βρεθεί ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ!"
"Προδότης δεν είναι μόνο αυτός που φανερώνει τα μυστικά της πατρίδος στους εχθρούς, αλλά είναι και εκείνος που ενώ κατέχει δημόσιο αξίωμα, εν γνώση του δεν προβαίνει στις απαραίτητες ενέργειες για να βελτιώσει το βιοτικό επίπεδο των ανθρώπων πάνω στους οποίους άρχει..." - Θουκυδίδης (460-398 π.Χ.)
Λένε ότι οι πραγματικοί φίλοι μπορεί να περάσουν μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα χωρίς να μιλήσουν ή να ειδωθούν, χωρίς ποτέ να τεθεί σε αμφιβολία η φιλία τους. Όταν βλέπονται, ενημερώνονται σαν να είχαν μιλήσει την προηγούμενη ημέρα, χωρίς να λαμβάνεται υπόψη ο χρόνος που πέρασε ή πόσο μακρυά ήταν!
“Γίνε εσύ η αλλαγή, αν θες να αλλάξεις τον κόσμο” Μ.Γκάντι
etm-mthoney-720p από cosmosdocumentaries
Μακεδονία ~ Ένας πολιτισμός αποκαλύπτεται ~ bbc... από KRASODAD
Πέμπτη 25 Οκτωβρίου 2018
Τρίτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2018
STOP Vespa velutina nigrithorax ASIATICA
Σφηκα 2 !!!
Σε περίπτωση υποψίας για την Ασιατική σφήκα, παρακαλούμε να επικοινωνήσετε με το Κτηνιατρικό
Εργαστήριο Καβάλας (Εθνικό Εργαστήριο Αναφοράς Υγείας των Μελισσών) στο
τηλ.: ++30 2510/ 391865
Humans not necessarily to blame for rapid expansion of Asian hornet
The rapid expansion of the yellow-legged hornet, or Asian hornet (Vespa velutina nigrithorax),
in Europe is not necessarily linked to human activity. Such is the
finding of a team from François-Rabelais University, INRA and the CNRS1 in a study published in Journal of Applied Ecology. Their work shows that targeted steps can be taken to greatly reduce the progression and impact of this invasive species.
Since it accidentally arrived in France around
2004, the Asian hornet has gained significant ground in Europe. This
invasive species brings problems related to human health (allergies and
some attacks leading to deaths), the economy (the beekeeping sector is
particularly vulnerable, with attacks on hives), and the environment
(the hornet is an undiscriminating predator and may have an affect on
biodiversity). Since its arrival, the number of colonies has increased
rapidly year after year in colonised territories (e.g., in
Indre-et-Loire, there were 3 colonies in 2009, 10 in 2010, 41 in 2011,
202 in 2012, 466 in 2013, more than 600 in 2014, and one thousand in
Researchers from the Insect Biology
Research Institute (François-Rabelais University /CNRS, Tours) and
INRA’s Forestry Zoology Research Unit in Val-de-Loire have developed a
mathematical model that simulates the progression of the Asian hornet in
France by using both biological data and data gathered in the field.
Notably, they based their studies on data from the programme for
participatory science of the Museum of Natural History (http://frelonasiatique.mnhn.fr). The model allowed them to test several scenarios:
- The spread of the Asian hornet without human intervention.
- The combination of natural progression of the hornet and progression due to human activity (accidental transport by Man).
- Consequences of eradicating hornet colonies.
Findings indicate that the expansion front of
the Asian hornet progresses by an average of 78 kilometres each year.
The researchers found that the reasons for such swift colonisation are
related solely to the hornet’s capacity to spread, and cannot be
systematically blamed on humans. When it comes to specifically targeting
the hornet, the model revealed that when strategies are considerably
stepped up, they are successful in sharply curbing the hornet’s
expansion and population density, but not in eradicating the invasive
species. Intensifying efforts to target the hornet is therefore
necessary to keep the insect at bay in future, and mitigate its impact.
Current insect traps, which use food for bait, are not selective, which
is why a selective trap must be developed that specifically targets the
Asian hornet.
study brings together researchers from the Insect Biology Research
Institute (François Rabelais University, CNRS) and INRA’s Forestry
Zoology Research Unit in Val-de-Loire.
Christelle ROBINET, Christelle SUPPO, Eric DARROUZET. Rapid
spread of the invasive yellow-legged hornet in France: the role of
human-mediated dispersal and the effects of control measures. 18 June 2016, Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.12724.
- Scientific contact(s):
- Eric Darrouzet / Université François-Rabelais (33 (0)2 47 36 71 60)
- Press Relations:
- INRA News Office (33 (0)1 42 75 91 86), Audrey Moullec / Communication Department – Université François-Rabelais (33 (0)2 47 36 64 16)
- Associated Division(s):
- Forest, Grassland and Freshwater Ecology, Plant Health and Environment
- Associated Centre(s):
- Val de Loire
- http://presse.inra.fr/en/Press-releases/rapid-expansion-of-Asian-hornet
- https://easytrap.fr/
- http://butine.info/progression-de-vespa-velutina/carte-vespa-velutina-europe-q-rome-mnhn-e1469556132917/
- Vespula vulgaris
- https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/confusedfirsthoneybee
- Attractive Fly(προσελκυστικό μυγών):
25cl Red Wine,
15cl of grenadine,
a piece of fruit wall
Attractive Hornet, Wasp(προσελκυστικό σφηκών):50cl lager μπύρα,50gr of honey μέλι,15cl blackcurrant or peach syrup σιρόπι ροδακίνου,25cl of white wine άσπρο κρασίDuring the period from August to November for hornet protein being its main research it is possible to put fish or meat inside.
Asian hornet
With pesticides, scourge for bees
An article published in Ouest-France on April 23rd dealt with the danger of the Asian hornet for bees. According to Mr. Rémy Lucas , beekeeper in La Roche-Bernard, the number of hornets trapped this spring 2014 in his apiary (term designating a hive or a group of hives) would have exploded.
But beware of entrapment of "founding females" by individuals considering that unfortunately today there is no selective trapping. Trapping must be reserved for the protection of attacked apiaries .
In the world there are 22 species of hornets; While only the European hornet, Vespa cabro, is naturally present in France, the Asian hornet or yellow-legged hornet, vespa velutinanigrithorax, was accidentally introduced in the Lot et Garonne in 2004.
European hornet worker on the left;
Asian hornet worker on the right
Since then, its dissemination has been rapid , as can be seen from the map below, prepared by M.Quentin Rome, entomologist specialist of the Asian hornet at the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN).Distribution of Vespa velutina (Asian hornet) in 2013
Q. Rome MNHN
As a real threat to the honeybee, the Asian hornet was classified as a second-class health hazard for the honey bee in December 2012 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
According to Mr Quentin Rome, a scientist at the Museum of Natural History and an Asian hornet specialist, " the trapping of sexed (founder) females has no impact on the evolution of the Asian hornet population. it was really selective, it would not pose much problem (even without providing a solution), but the most selective traps currently designed do not usually catch much more than 1% Vespa velutina. are sometimes part of rare or protected species- The selectivity is only to avoid capturing the honeybee (which is quite easy since it does not like alcohol).
Current methods are to limit the impact of the hornet on hives ( by setting traps at the attacked apiaries only ), to try to detect as soon as possible the nests potentially attacking apiaries to destroy them before the peak of predation. Also destroy dangerous nests for the safety of people (there are few). Early detection of the hornet's arrival in areas not yet invaded to try to destroy the colonies quickly and slow the spread of the species. "
Reporting form to the MNHN : inpn.mnhn.fr/fichesEspece/Vespa_velutina_fichiers/Fiche_signalement_Vespa.pdf
In an excellent article co-authored by Mr. Rome , the annual life cycle of the Asian hornet is explained.
We follow the winter survival of some breeding females (5%), who wake up in the spring and look for a suitable place to build a "primary" nest. Primary nest that will compete for these "founding females" (there may be up to 12 changes of foundresses in a nest), resulting in the death of 95% of them.
In summer, around mid-August the colony moves into a "secondary" nest at the top of a tree. The colony grows and attacks more and more bees, an important part of its diet (this varies depending on the resources of the medium from 30 to 60%).
In autumn, with the mating of males and females it is the end of the colony; only the future founders will survive.
Vespula germanica
Vespa crabro
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by Marie-Roberte on Saturday May 10th, 2014, 10:56