Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2016

ΚΥΨΕΛΗ Erlanger wooden hive

Erlanger wooden hive
Fits 9 frames Zander short ear of 452 x 220 mm.
Made of 27 mm thick solid wood and equipped us with marked corner joints. The booty parts feature a fold and are, in stainless steel, equipped with the typical for this prey Erlanger fittings as tipping bow and sealing washer.
All prey items are free of knots, solid ver glues and
ge screwed, the outer dimension is 49 x 38.5 cm

Deliveries of hives and hive parts without frames and without paint
Matching frames can be found here , g eeignete paintings can be found here

2700 Erlanger prey
consisting of:
a Varroa floor with stainless steel
Ventilation grille, mice and wedge
• three Ganzzargen for 9 frames
Zander short ear 452 x 220 mm
• an insulated timber lid
• height 89 cm, weight 14 kg
without accessories
€ 139.90

2704 Erlanger Varroa floor
• Stainless steel ventilation grille in wooden frame
Squeegee and as plug-in cassettes
Use variable up or down
• Flugloch cover wedge
• flaps behind
• External dimensions 51 x 38.5 cm, height 13.5 cm
€ 34.40

2709 Erlanger Halbzarge
for frames Zander short ear
of 452 x 110 mm
Height 12 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 24.90

2710 Erlanger Flachzarge
for frames Zander short ear
of 452 x 159 mm
Height 17 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 27.90

2708 Erlanger Ganzzarge
for frames Zander short ear
of 452 x 220 mm
Height 23 cm, weight 3 kg
€ 28.90

2711 Erlanger ZaDant frame
for frames Zander short ear
of 452 x 285 mm
Height 29.5 cm, weight 4 kg
€ 42.90

2712 Erlanger Schauzarge
for frames Zander short ear
of 452 x 220 mm with showcase,
Glass pane and Closure plate.
Height 23 cm, weight 3.5 kg
€ 43.90

2713 Erlanger intermediate bottom
consisting of wooden frames
with bung plate and
rhombic bees escape
Height 3.5 cm, weight about 1 kg
€ 15.90

2715 Erlanger Casing
for about 6.5 liters of liquid feed
with side rise and sturdy aluminum mounting angles.
We recommend for interior painting
our tub paint Art. 2127
Height 9.5 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 25.90

2718 Erlanger wooden lid
with insulation insulation
Height 6 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 18.80

2719 Erlanger sheet cover
conical, galvanized
Bearing surface inside: 500 x 400 mm
Height 6 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 15.80

27195 Erlanger stainless steel lid
tapered fit, is the
Hardboard cover slipped
Bearing surface inside: 50 x 40 cm
Height 6 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 24.80

2720 Erlanger gabled roof with metal plating
massive and from knot-free wood. With galvanized sheet metal hood and revolving roof overhang. Special feature: The metal cover is made ​​in one piece and not severed by a center seam Dimension 47 x 26 cm, height 13 cm, weight about 4 kg.
€ 39.00

2721 Erlanger gabled roof with copper fitting
massive and from knot-free wood, and with all-round roof overhang with weatherproof copper fitting and First Bar
Dimension 47 x 26 cm, height 14 cm, weight 4 kg
€ 74.00

8622 Galvanized metal fencing Erlanger
for bearing on t he frames
Size 328 x 452 mm
€ 7.50

2714 Erlanger plastic circular grid
for bearing on t he frames
Size 328 x 452 mm
3 mm thick
€ 4.80

2716 Erlanger capping Fix
for resting on the frames,
0.4 mm thick and stable in itself
Size 329 x 453 mm
€ 1.95

2717 Erlanger Propolisgitter
Blank for Erlanger wooden hive
328 x 452 mm
from 10 piece € 6.40
€ 6.90

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