Παρασκευή 4 Μαρτίου 2016

ΚΥΨΕΛΗ 10 wooden hive Dadant RIVA Journal

2304 10 wooden hive Dadant RIVA Journal
consisting of:
• floor frame with aluminum ventilation grille,
ground and air hole slide made ​​of metal,
Hiking front, walking grid Vorsatz-
frame and spacer strips   suitable
for 10 Rähm chen Dadant brood Journal
• Honigraumzarge spaced strips
9 frames Dadant Honeydew
• inner lid with feeding hole
• galvanized exterior slip lid
• External dimensions 48 x 64 cm, height 60 cm
without frames
€ 139.00

2306 9s Honigraumzarge RIVA Dadant Journal
9 frames Dadant Journal
470 x 159 mm. Dimension of the frame
44 x 50 cm, height 17 cm
€ 27.50

2307 10er metal fencing RIVA Dadant Journal
galvanized, size 384 x 473 mm
€ 7.50

2310 12er wooden hive Dadant TRENTO Journal
consisting of:
• Floor with stainless steel ventilation grille,
varroa and air hole slide,
walking and hiking Front grille
suspension frame
• Brutraumzarge spaced rake
12 frames Dadant brood Journal
• Honigraumzarge spaced rake
for 11 frames Dadant Honeydew
• inner lid with feeding hole and
• hooded tray made ​​of wood with galvanized
sheet metal hood
• External dimensions 55 x 64 cm, height 60 cm
without frames
€ 163.00

2513 12er Trento Squeegee
made of light plastic, stable and
kochfest rasterized with 5 x 5 cm large varroa Zählkaros
Size approx 435 x 410 mm
€ 5.80

2312 11er Honigraumzarge TRENTO Dadant Journal
for 11 frames Dadant Journal
470 x 159 mm, overall dimensions of the frame
50 x 50 cm, height 17 cm
€ 29.50

2311 12er metal fencing Dadant Journal
galvanized, size 500 x 500 mm
€ 7.50

2313 12er metal fencing Dadant Journal
for use in the wooden frame
galvanized, size 480 x 480 mm
€ 7.50

23135 12er Niro Fences Dadant Journal
for use in the wooden frame
Stainless steel 1.4016, size 480 x 480 mm
€ 12.50

2318 Einengschied Dadant Journal
for use as Blindwabe
for the brood chamber
Length upper support 470 mm,
Length partition plate 434 mm,
Overall height 300 mm
€ 5.60

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