Παρασκευή 17 Φεβρουαρίου 2017

BEECOME 2017,2-4 March ITALY









Beecome the Convention of European beekeepers

Previously held in France, Belgium, Germany, and Sweden
Beecome 2017 will take place in Italy in the same spaces and in complete synergy with Apimell 2017, the Italian richest and widest expo of beekeeping equipment
An important dialogue among experts of beekeeping research, beekeepers’ associations, veterinaries, organizations, national and European institutions

Technical scientific conferences

The meeting will be divided into four sessions dedicated to Aethina tumida, the small hive beetle, a board for the elaboration of a final document of the conference on small hive beetle and two sessions dedicated to Varroosis and contamination in beekeeping.

Are invited to participate and give their own contribution to Beecome 2017 sessions

All the persons in charge of agricultural and health institutions in Italy and in the EU, the Apimondia representatives, the Copa Cogeca Honey Group, the beekeepers’ associations and farmers’ professional organizations

Scientific Committee

Marco Lodesani, Peter Neumann, Francesco Panella, Claudio Porrini, Pio Federico Roversi. In collaboration with CREA-API, CREA-ABP and C.P. DipSa-UNIBO

Scientific Program

02 Mar, 2017

Aethina tumida, the small hive beetle
Globalization and invasive species

09:30 AM - 01:00 PM, Hall A

Aethina tumida, the small hive beetle
Current state of knowledge

03:00 PM - 07:00 PM, Hall A

Welcoming Apericena(buffet)
Greetings of the Authorities

07:15 PM - -, Hall B
03 Mar, 2017

Aethina tumida, the small hive beetle
Host vs. Parasite - Eradication Vs. Containment - Costs vs. Benefits

09:30 AM - 01:00 PM, Hall A

Aethina tumida, the small hive beetle
Controlling Aethina tumida: priorities

03:00 PM - 07:00 PM, Hall A
04 Mar, 2017

Integrated pest management for a healthy breeding

09:30 AM - 01:00 PM, Hall A

Environmental and apiary contamination

03:00 PM - 07:00 PM, Hall A

Board on Aethina tumida:
Priorities and proposals for the control of Aethina Tumida

09:30 AM - 01:00 PM, Hall C

Visit to CONAPI - Sunday 5 March

Visit to CONAPI, upon reservation only* - h 12:00 – 18:30
Open Day reserved to all the participants to Beecome2017 at the Conapi plant in Monterenzio (Bologna).
It will be possible to make a guided tour inside the plant to see all the processing steps that lead to the creation of the packaged product and visit the “Bees and Honey Park” in the big green space nearby the plant.
 *Visits can be booked within February 27th, by sending an email to info@conapi.it


Ticket Beecome 2017: 1 day (Lunch buffet and Apimell ticket included) € 30,00Ticket Beecome 2017: 3 days (Lunch buffet and Apimell ticket included) €

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