Τρίτη 10 Μαΐου 2016

Junior prey

Junior prey

Our compact fodder for young bees friends and for the breeding of queens. With external dimensions of 30 x 24 cm, the total weight per prey is only 4 kg. H ergestellt of up to 26 mm thick solid wood frames have the outside via a fold and the inside two wooden rake for seven frames of 196 x 110 mm. All prey items are free of knots, perfect finish, solid glued and screwed
Deliveries of hives and hive parts without frames and without paint
Suitable coatings can be found here

2600 Junior prey
consisting of:
• floor frame fits 7 junior
frames of 196 x 110 mm,
with slide and ventilation
and Varroa grid
• panel frame fits
7 Junior frames
• Casing
• cover
height 36 cm, weight 4 kg
Delivery without frames
€ 45.00

2602 Junior prey floor frame
with Squeegee, ventilation and Varroa mesh, solid approach nose, lockable entrance hole, two recessed handles, outer fold and two internal wooden computing s, p assend for seven junior frames.
Delivery witho ut hmchen.
Height 15.5 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 18.00

2606 Junior Booty panel frame
with two recessed handles, outer fold and two internal wooden rake, suitable for seven junior frames.
Delivery without frames
Height 11.5 cm, weight approx 1 kg
€ 12.00

2605 Junior frames
with straight sides, top and bottom carrier perforated with wire groove in the area of the perforation, overall dimensions 196 x 110 mm
Wood thickness around 8 mm
€ 0.65

2608 Junior prey Casing
suitable f or about 1 liter of liquid environments dev FLOWING and 1 kg of solid food by bicameral system. A chamber with stainless steel mesh, the other with lateral Aufsti ec and el Holzwink
Height 4.5 cm, weight about 1 kg
€ 9.00

2612 Junior prey outer cover
with interior roll and a Dimension
of 30 x 24 cm
Height 4 cm, weight kg ca.0,5
€ 6.00

1645 Metal lids for Miniplus prey
conical, galvanized
Bearing surface inside: 320 x 320 mm
Suitable also for Junior prey
€ 9.80

16455 Stainless steel cover for Mini Plus prey
is on the hardboard cover
Bearing surface inside: 320 x 320 mm
Suitable also for Junior prey
Height 6 cm, weight about 1 kg
€ 24.80

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