Σάββατο 19 Μαρτίου 2016

The Swiss beehive / rear treatment prey

The Swiss beehive / rear treatment prey
is a variable floor prey. Suitable example of 2 x 14 Swiss brood frame 285 x 362 mm up to 4 x 14 Swiss honey frame 285 x 175 mm. Made of 25 mm thick and knot-free hardwood, glued and screwed in a solid quality.

To use frames come in the Swiss level, which are inserted from the back individually in the four floors. Therefore the Swiss beehive is also called Hinterbehandlungs- or bunk prey.

Deliveries of hives and hive parts without frames and without paint
Matching frames can be found here , distance control here , g eeignete paintings here

2950 Swiss beehive / rear treatment prey
• base body in one piece, equipped
a pivoting ble hatchback and four
floors with 8 stainless steel rails. Variable
usable eg for two floors with pigs
zer Brood frames or a floor with gross
and two floors with honey frames or
with four floors honey frames.
• Stainless Flugloch- and closure
slide with mouse lock
• landing board 12 cm, foldable
• A broad chamber window 37 cm
• Two honey chamber window 18 cm
• A window wedge to the back
• Seven Deckbrettli 35-140 mm
the concentration or separation
• External dimensions approx 64 x 35 cm,
Height 80.5 cm, weight 15 kg
€ 198.00

2955 Swiss beehive round grating
plastic, for resting on the
Frames or the stainless steel guide
appeared, 498 x 297 mm, 3 mm thick
€ 6.80

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