Πέμπτη 10 Μαρτίου 2016

ΚΥΨΕΛΗ original Golzbeute

original Golzbeute

For two times 17 frames Kuntzsch high. Made of 30 mm thick, knot-free solid olz according to the philosophy of Wolfgang Golz - beekeepers without lifting. Brood and honey room are located one behind the other in a plane. Soil and body are firmly bolted together, the safety gate means difference can be removed for cleaning. At the front and back is strong handles, overall dimensions are approximately 75 x 70 cm. Due to the standard traveling with front suspension frame can be moved with our Golzbeute also

Deliveries of hives and hive parts without frames and without paint
Matching frames can be found here , g eeignete paintings can be found here

1800 Golzbeute
consisting of:
• floor with ventilation and Varroa grid
Stainless steel and two bottom sliders
• Hiking grid suspension frame
• Fluglochverschluss- and mice wedge
• Body for 2 x 17 frames Kuntzsch-
high with the dimensions 250 x 335 mm,
Upper support 280 mm
a guard rail means difference,
Stainless steel rails and
each an insulating panel for
brood and honey room
• timber lid with additional
metal plating
• External dimensions 75 x 70 cm,
height 45 cm, weight 20 kg
€ 198.00

1810 Golzbeute rear positioning plate
for insulation in Honigraum during winter
Size approx 609 x 363 mm
€ 6.90

1822 Golzbeute Einengschied
is as Blindwabe for concentration
used in the Golzbeute. Outside-
measure about 28 x 36 cm
€ 3.90

1815 Golzbeute fencing funds arbitration
for separating brood and honey in the room Golzbeute. Delivery with pickled M etal para perrgitter and two mounted fixed
Support rails made ​​of stainless steel
B x H ca. 63 x 37 cm
€ 59.00

1817 Golzbeute fencing agents arbitration
570 x 285 mm, solo
€ 7.50

1802 Golzbeute spare insulation panel
Pairing r cover
Brut - or Honigraum
External dimensions: approx 641 x 293 mm
€ 6.90

1805 Golzbeute sheet cover
conical, galvanized
is placed over the outer lid
Bearing surface inside: ca. 75 x 70 cm
Height 6 cm
€ 48.00

1806 Golzbeute gabled roof with metal plating
massive and from knot-free wood. With galvanized sheet metal hood and revolving roof overhang. Special feature: The metal cover is made ​​in one piece and not severed by a center seam od approx. 79 x 75 cm,
Height 13 cm, weight about 9.5 kg
€ 89.00

1807 Golzbeute gabled roof with copper fitting
massive and from knot-free wood, and with all-round roof overhang with weatherproof copper fitting and First Bar
Od approx 79 x 75, height 16 cm,
Weight 10 kg
€ 109.00

1818 Golzbeute capping Fix clear
for a prey half
to ed ay on the frames,
0, 4 mm thick and stable in itself
ca. 64 x 30,5 cm
€ 1.95

1829 Golzbeute Abdeckgaze
instead foil, to rest on the
Frames, for a prey half
€ 1.70

8559 Ami-rails made ​​of stainless steel 60 cm
for 17 honeycomb Golzbeute
€ 2.50

9453 Book by Wolfgang Golz
Beekeepers with Golz Booty
66 pages
The last work of Wolfgang Golz, in the 2nd edition is the prey, the operation and the harvesting system of Wolfgang Golz described
€ 14.95

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