Δευτέρα 29 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

ΚΥΨΕΛΗ 11er normal level loot

11er normal level loot
Fits 11 frames normal level, made ​​of up to 30 mm thick solid wood. The comparison Sides
add a stable fold. By da s qua dra-
tables Dimension 44.4 x 44.4 cm is both
Warm- as also Kaltbaustellung possible. All
booty parts are free of knots, solid ver glues and ge screwed

Deliveries of hives and hive parts without frames and without paint Matching frames can be found here , g eeignete paintings can be found here

11er normal level wooden hive
consisting of:
• three Ganzzargen for 11 frames DN
• an insulated timber lid
without accessories
2400 11er normal level prey with high ground
Height 8 5 cm, weight approx 1 4 kg
€ 115.00

2429 11er normal level prey with flat bottom
Height 8 2 cm, weight ca. 1 3 kg
€ 115.00

2402 11er normal level loot Hochboden
• Stainless ventilation and Varroa grid
• insert plate
• inspection and working flap
• Integrated Mouse Lock
• Hiking grating attachment frame   
  Height 11 cm, weight 3 kg
€ 26.50

2403 11er normal level loot timber lock
against Illegal building,
Approximate dimensions: 394 x 320 mm
€ 4.90

2404 11er normal level loot varroa drawer
for insertion into the high ground
for convenient Varroa control
€ 16.30

24001 11er normal level loot replacement bonnet and tailgate for high ground
Approximate dimensions: 413 x 60 mm, 24 mm thick
€ 7.65

2430 11er normal level loot flat bottom
Stainless steel ventilation grille
Squeegee for Varroa control
is placed under the grid
Fluglochverschluss- and mice wedge
8 cm, weighting t 2 kg
Price without flight board
€ 26.50

23778 11er normal level loot lapel flight board for flat bottom OUT
additional touch of 20 cm
- Currently out of print, the NEW PRINTS is erwartet- for early April
€ 0.00

24301 11er normal level loot spare hive entrance Keil for flat bottom
Thickness about 20 x 20 mm, length: 380 mm
with 8 mm slot mice
€ 3.10

2432 11er normal level loot Squeegee for flat bottom
solo, single or spare parts
Size approx 355 x 350 mm
€ 5.80

2433 11er normal level booty walking floor
• Stainless ventilation and Varroa grid
• Squeegee for Varroa control
is placed under the grid
• inspection and working flap
• Plastic flight hole slide
Height 11 cm, weight about 2.5 kg
€ 26.50

1254 11er normal level loot building ban
for walking floor
Approximate dimensions :: 393 x 363 mm
€ 4.90

2401 11er normal level loot Halbzarge
for 11 frames normal level
of 394 x 110 mm
Height 12 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 17.00

2405 11er normal level loot Flachzarge
for 11 R ähmchen normal level
of 394 x 159 mm
Height 17 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 21.00

2406 11er normal level loot Ganzzarge
for 11 R ähmchen normal level
of 394 x 223 mm
Height 23 cm, weight 3 kg
€ 24.50

2409 11er normal level loot a half frame
for 11 frames DN and a half
of 394 x 338 mm
Height 35 cm, weight about 4 .5 kg
€ 35.00

2422 11er normal level loot Schauzarge
for 11 frames normal level of 223 mm height with Shop windows, insulation, glass and Closure plate.
Height 23 cm, weight 4 kg
€ 36.00

2415 11er normal level loot intermediate bottom
with entrance hole and lockable with screw
hole. By using the supplied
Bees escape the intermediate bottom is as
Honey extraction arbitration usable
Height 4.5 cm, weight about 1 kg
€ 17.30

8614 11er normal level loot insulation
through the use in the intermediate floor
Art. 2415 produced a winter cover for
Regulation of temperature and Stock-
moist. Size 394 x 394 mm
€ 3.00

2407 11er normal level loot offshoot floor
with three air holes through use
the separating differences can three offshoot
are formed in a frame
Price without Divider
€ 27.50

2408 11er normal level loot Divider
for spin-off bottom Art. 2407
Approximate dimensions: 380 x 227 mm
€ 3.80

2421 11er normal level loot offshoot box
consisting of:
an offshoot floor with stainless steel
Varroa screen and Squeegee
two separation differences
a normal level 11er Full chime
a normal level 11er wooden lid
Height 3 8 cm, weight 7.5 kg
€ 74.60

2416 11er normal level loot Casing
glued and screwed laterally
Rise and sturdy aluminum mounting angles
Content 8 liters, height 11 cm, weight 2 kg
We recommend pouring with
Beeswax or interior painting
with tub paint Art. 2127
€ 23.00

2417 11er normal level loot aluminum perforated angle
as a replacement
€ 3.50

2418 11er normal level booty walking frame
combines top fan and intermediate floor.
Z to Au fsatz to Z evil, so that the bees do not verbrausen while hiking. With stainless steel ventilation grille and fold. Zus ätzlich with closable em Flugloch, for the benefit of the intermediate base with trunk Contact
Height 4 cm, weight about 1 kg
€ 16.30

2424 11er normal level loot gabled roof with metal plating
massive and from knot-free wood. With galvanized sheet metal hood and revolving roof-stand. Special feature: The metal cover is made ​​in one piece and not severed by a center seam Dimension 5 0 x 50 cm, height 13 cm, Weight 3,8 kg.
€ 39.00

2426 11er normal level loot gabled roof with copper fitting
massive and from knot-free wood, and with all-round roof overhang with weatherproof copper fitting and First Bar
Dimension 49 x 49,5 cm, height 15 cm, weight 4.5 kg
€ 74.00

2419 11er normal level loot timber lid
with insulation insulation
Height 5 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 15.00

2420 11er normal level loot metal lid
tapered fit, is the
Hardboard cover slipped
Bearing surface inside: 450 x 450 mm
Height 6 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 15.00

24205 11er normal level loot lid, conical
tapered fit, is the
Hardboard cover slipped
Bearing surface inside: 443 x 450 mm
Height 6 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 24.80

2410 11er normal level loot metal fencing
for bearing on t he frames
galvanized, size 395 x 393 mm
€ 7.50

24105 11er normal level loot Niro Fences
for resting on the frames,
Stainless steel 1.4016, size 396 x 394 mm
€ 12.40

2412 11er normal level loot plastic circular grid
for bearing on t he frames
Approximate dimensions: 395 x 393 mm
3 mm thick
€ 4.80

2414 11er normal level loot capping Fix clear
for resting on the frames,
0.4 mm thick and stable in itself
Approximate dimensions: 410 x 410 mm
€ 1.95

20894 11er normal level loot Propolisgitter
Blank for normal level wooden hive
Approximate dimensions: 39 x 5 mm 39 3
from 10 piece € 6.40
€ 6.90

2413 11er normal level loot pollen trap Hochboden
Wooden as Flugloch intent with laterally extendible round hole Crest
with adapter and pollen shell, wood prey for DN Hochboden
Art. Nr. 2402
€ 19.90

2425 11er normal level loot frames handles
each bar with four holes
and screws, sold in pairs
Approximate dimensions: 442 x 20 mm
€ 5.20

7460 Bieno® Refreshments funnel plate
suitable inter alia for the 11er normal level loot
Outer dimensions of Booty cover
ca. 51 x 51 cm
€ 27.60

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