Σάββατο 26 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Θεραπεία και έλεγχος της Νοσεμίασης-Treatment and control of Nosema Apis & Ceranae

Today’s successful beekeeper tends to be smart, diligent, hardworking, and willing to invest time and money into good bee husbandry.
Nosema is a problem that tends to get overlooked by a lot of beekeepers in days past it was thought the best treatment was to leave the bees and the bees would sort themselves out during the summer months. But this is not your grandfather’s Nosema.
caused by the microsporidia Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae are among the most common pathologies affecting adult honey bees. N. apis infection has been associated with a reduced lifespan of infected bees and increased winter mortality, and its negative impact on colony strength and productivity
Many beekeepers treat with fumagillin but concerns that it (or any antibiotic) might inadvertently show up in honey and the general sales were banned also it had little effect on Nosema ceranae.
To be honest the price scared me more than anything.
But these are problem that must be dealt with or prevented from getting a grip.
Most notice the problem in two ways either the colony fails to build up and dwindles away or becomes another winter loss.
Over the last decade there has been a lot of scientific research in to various treatments and witches brews.
Thymol in syrup or patties form seems to be yielding the best results a cheap cost effective treatment if applied in the correct quantities.
Manley propagated the idea of using thymol in syrup intended for winter feeding in order to prevent fermentation and the growth of mould. Manley's thymol recipe has also proven useful in controlling Varroa mites and other diseases to a degree. But it has also proved to dramatically reduce Nosema spore counts in bees and also on comb when used as a drench.
Thymol mixed as follows
Bees treated with thymol and Honey-B-Healthy were found to have rates of mortality similar to uninfected bees. Bees treated with Nozevit had rates of mortality similar to untreated bees. Fumagillin improved mortality, but not to levels of uninfected bees (Table).

Thymol Recipe-Συνταγή Θυμόλης
· 30g thymol crystals placed in honey jar-30 γρ κρυσταλλοι Θυμόλης τοποθετουνται σε ενα βαζο,
· add 5ml of isopropyl alcohol to the crystals, place jar into a water bath of boiling water to speed up the dissolving process-προσθέστε 5 ml οινόπνευμα(ισοπροπυλικη αλκοόλη) στους κρυστάλλους  θυμόλης τοποθετούνται σε μπεν μαρί για να λιώσουν γρηγορότερα.

-Σε άλλο βάζο χύνουμε 140 ml βραστό νερό και προσθετουμς1 κουταλια του τσαγιου κοκκους λεκιθλινης ή 1 κουταλια της σουπας μελι και τοποθετουμε το βαζο σεν μπεν μαρί,ανακατευοντας για 10 λεπτά ή μεχρι να λιωσει η λεκιθινη(εαν δεν λιωσει στραγγιξτε και αφαιρεστε την λεκιθινη που εμεινε αδιάλυτη) ή το μελι και μετα ριξτε το μιγμα θυμόλης σε αυτο το μίγμα και ανακατεψτε καλα σε λιγο θα εχει όψη γαλακτος.

· In another jar pour in 140 ml of boiling water and add 1 teaspoon of lecithin granules, stir well, and place this jar into a water bath of boiling water, stirring often for about ten minutes or so until most of the lecithin granules have dissolved, you can then strain this mixture through a tea strainer or similar to remove any granules that have not dissolved fully, then simply add the dissolved thymol to this mix, and shake well, will look just like a jar of milk. To make a emulation instead of using lecithin granules you can just about get away with using a table spoon of your own honey.

Για χρήση προσθέστε 5 ml του μίγματος σε ενα γαλόνι(4,45 λίτρα) σιρόπι και ανακινειστε καλα ,το σιρόπι θα παρει την όψη γαλακτος

· To use add 5ml of the Premix to each gallon of syrup and stir well, syrup will go slightly milky,

If your jar of pre mixture forms any crystals at a later date, tip into old small pan and reheat, do this outdoors otherwise your kitchen will smell of Thymol for weeks.
if the bees in a poorly state or will not take from a feeder fill a small garden spray bottle and spray the bees and comb directly

As always use at your own risk


1 σχόλιο:

  1. Δηλαδη αν καταλαβα καλα Ανθιμε δινει αναλογια θυμολης στο σιροπι 1γρ στα 4.45λιτρα
    και 5μλ λεκιθινης στα 30 γρ θυμολης;



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