Παρασκευή 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2014


Report on meeting at the Ministry of Health

December 3, 2014a tumida
We publish in brief notes on the meeting on December 1, the Ministry of Health of emergency A.tumida.
Report particularly desirable, if not essential, for the importance of the confrontation materialized and also as a result of "versions" circulating shortly corresponds to the truth.
·         On September 22, Health and Agriculture of the Calabria Region have called the beekeeping associations Calabrian (the meeting was also attended by the presidents of Unaapi and Fai) and have communicated the decision to groped the eradication of new parasites. At the meeting the vast majority of those present, the state of things and knowledge, acknowledged and declared itself actively available, but restated the importance of continuity of the confrontation with all stakeholders for the purpose of more effective collaboration.
·         At the beginning of October, took note of the evolution of Este and one of the infestation, Unaapi, Conapi and Consortium Beekeepers Calabria (CAC) have stressed the urgency of a meeting with Health and Agriculture of the Region of Calabria.
·         The Department of Agriculture of the Region of Calabria then expressed in a statement several waves ef concerns about the terms and objectives of the measures implemented.
·         On October 25 and Unaapi Conapi have advanced some detailed requests and proposals.
·         October 28 was then called a meeting, which were invited again and only associations Calabria, Catanzaro, see report .
·         November 12 Unaapi, Conapi have strongly appealed to national and European authorities to block the slaughter of bees, for the radical change of approach and measures to be implemented and for the activation of different modes of relationship and cooperation with the beekeepers and their representatives.
Meeting on 1 December in Rome
Monday morning 1/12/014, in nearly three months checks on the presence of the insect in Calabria, at the Ministry of Health in Rome took place the expected meeting between the leaders of Health (DG Borrello, Santucci, Maroni Bridges) of 'Environment(Valentini) and' Agriculture (Cacopardi), the national organizations of beekeepers (Unaapi, Make, Conapi-Cooperative Alliance, Anai), regional officers of Health Calabria and Sicily, the official of Agriculture Calabria, the CRA - API (Lodesani), the IZS delle Venezie (Mutinelli), Professor Roversi CRA-Agrobiology of Florence, the National Agricultural Organisations Coldiretti and Cia, the NAS.
The Unaapi participated with a delegation composed of a Chairman and Luigi Albo, Gaetano Mercatante, Giovanni Caronia and Michael Barbagallo.
Information provided
·         At 27/11/14 infestation is ascertained in 59 apiaries, with dense coverage of the entire area of the outbreak, and killing and incineration of more than 3,500 bee colonies.
·         E 'in the process of issuing the ministerial decree, waiting for the green light of the Court of Auditors, consisting of three items that includes: 1) the measures in place, aimed to eradicate. 2) The compensation under the provisions of Law no.218/98 for hives burned. The amount will then be compared to the assessments Ismea (a pittance? NDR). 3) The ability to change the measures to be applied in light of the evolution of the infestation and the verification of the actual position to eradicate.
·         The provisions blocking exports in EU concern at the time, the biological material alive (queen bees, packs and swarms of bees), the material used beekeeping and bee products not intended for human consumption from Calabria and Sicily
·         No mention was made ​​to change the provisions of EU dall'eradicazione if you switched to containment measures, if the extent of the infestation of continuation the current. While these provisions could vary in case of extension of the infestation to other regions. The only mention made ​​in this regard is that the blockade of changes beekeeping from Sicily could be revised, if there should be no new discoveries in the next three / four months.
·         And 'locked consequently any movement out of hives from Sicily and Calabria.
·         E 'was clarified that the decree of the Region of Sicily does not resume in toto as proposed in the previous ministerial note, so there is no actual block handling bees inside of Sicily, except within 10 km around the outbreak. There is currently no requirement for monitoring extended operations in Sicily, except that for apiaries within 10 km from Melilli and apiaries that were in Calabria.
·         The genetic investigation under way will soon identify the geographical origin of 'A. tumida settled in Italy.
·         E 'in the proceedings brought by beekeepers Calabrian appeal, the Administrative Court, the decree issued by the Region of Calabria.
·         The CRA Bees is organizing a scientific conference in February 2015 with leading experts in the world of 'A. tumida.
The General Borrello opened the meeting by saying that the outbreak, in recent months, has remained confined within a radius of 10 km. This figure has been variously challenged for the significance of the findings in the outbreak of Calabria and in the various areas of the entire area from the first discovery.
Let B orrello both Maroni Bridges said they were very surprised and annoyed of the views expressed by some gradually beekeeping organizations and individuals / beekeepers. The reprimand was very strong especially for daring to express different points of view to 'attention in Brussels.
In particular have repeatedly remembered as initially there was a general agreement to attempt eradication.
They have been made ​​that:
1) Only today has finally got a proper comparison to what is required for months;
2) since the beginning of October, anyone with skills entomological began to harbor reasonable doubts about the chances of success of an attempt to eradicate, especially if carried out by means of proportion to the potential reproductive and diffusive insect. Moreover with the use of instruments for monitoring of dubious reliability.
Panella said:
1) the findings made ​​have neither foundation nor any reason for being. Instead the applications made ​​to national and European authorities have become not only necessary but essential, as a result of the operating procedures of the National Veterinary.
2) are remarkable critical in the performance of activities undertaken, in particular the absence of adequate monitoring in the areas surrounding the outbreak of Calabria and in some provinces of Sicily.
The various operations of beekeepers G. Albo, G. Caronia, G. Mercatante, E. Di Chino, N. Guadagnino, S. D'Agostino (Anai), in agreement with the representatives of Coldiretti (Lapiccirella) and CIA (Sisini) have emphasized the unacceptable costs of abbattimentii against expectations too indeterminate and uncertain, gradually contradicted by the facts.
Many of the interventions have reiterated the need to consider the cost-benefit ratio: essentially beekeeping and how much you are willing to destroy agriculture before realizing that he is not worth it?
Beekeepers Sicilians have indicated the unsustainability of any block in the island of handling, worth the collapse in greenhouse horticulture. They then expressed their concern about the lack of controls in Messina.
Many have repeated that without a simultaneous strategy of systematic treatments against the insect and protection of the apiaries immobilized in the outbreak, there can be no hope of eradicating it.
Only Cirone for Make stated that does not dare to give advice to Health. It is therefore limited to request: compensation, a strong involvement of the Forest Service and the police to find wild swarms and apiaries "illegal", and a greater effort to identify the route of entry into the Italian parasite.
Santucci's Ministry of Health has thus held that, with the usual procedures of Veterinary - "only" 59 "cases" in an area in any case limited - do not allow to declare the non eradicabilità. He then went on to point out that the declaration of endemicity would involve the continuation of the closure of European markets for trade of live biological material.
He has, however, been made ​​clear - repeatedly - that the damage and the closing trade is already a fact: they are in fact already been canceled all orders of living material from the two affected regions.
The intervention of Lodesani (CRA-API) has clarified that there is no plan for the eradication, but only the application of a standard European procedure, which does not take into account the peculiarities of the insect and its strategies of survival and spread.
Professor Roversi (CRA-Agrobiology of Florence), with a speech of a few minutes, he finally lit of science and knowledge entomological an area that until then had proudly claimed responsibility for the adoption of "standard procedures contrast epidemiological health issues of other livestock sectors. "
"Ask a couple of these insects, in just four generations, their reproductive capacity and diffusion theory is over thirty billion people"
In view of the well-founded objections unanimous, with the exception of the representatives of the FAI, the attitude of those responsible veterinarians began to show the first signs of dialogue and willingness to listen and dialogue.
Santucci, towards the end of the meeting, then:
·         Accepted the request for participation in the National Crisis Unit, convened l11 December in Rome, 3-4 representatives of beekeeping organizations, which will be indicated by Mipaaf
·         Given an initial willingness to reconsider a different strategy and involvement in its development of entomological skills, such as those of the CRA-Api,
·         He stated that the provisions may change at any time according to the evolution of the infestation and the acquisition of information.
·         He pledged to see if it is possible to develop procedures that allow the certification and marketing of queen bees also the regions in which it is taking place or has manifested the infestation.
·         He pledged to explore the possibility of authorizing the derogation in specific preparations for containment and protection of hives in infested areas and those surrounding.
·         Has repeatedly demanded that the associations are activated more in research and denunciation of the apiaries at risk undeclared.

There was a first important realization that health policy can not simply impose, but must first be convincing and based on scientific foundations convincing.
In defining intervention strategies and set goals, science and knowledge must necessarily relate to incorrect assessments rappoorto cost / benefit.
Have good reasons for the common good is not enough. If interventions procure: heavy damage to some, we must, at the same time, being able to provide adequate and proven assurances that these will actually lead to an asset for the community.
The limited resources realistically used and usable is that it does not rely in the dramatic success of the eradication effort.
If even with the arrival of the cold, there will be more discoveries, is not the case of illusions, only next spring will give us the size and spread of parasites. By that time, in early February in the South, will be lavished all our efforts so that they are activated reasonable measures aimed at containing, as far as possible and economically acceptable, of parasitosis.
Francesco Panella
Giovanni Caronia


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