This year Slovenian Beekeepers only think they extract from beehives were tears.
In the past five years on average, there was 32 kg honey per hive, but this year just 7 kg (15,5 pounds). This
is a big blow for Slovenian Beekeepers, because of that Beekeeping
association send to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment
initiative to help.
They said, “Thus, poor harvests this year, we cannot remember nor beekeepers with 40 or more beekeeping experience“.
Reason for bad harvest are the adverse weather conditions, there was just not enough sunny days, etleast in the one-piece.
Honey harvest in past 5 years
2014: 7,03 kg (15,5 pounds) / hive
2013: 35,79 kg / hive
2012: 15,02 kg / hive
2011: 36,26 kg / hive
2010: 32,33 kg / hive
In normal beekeeping seasons, they produce around 2.000.000 kg (4.409.245 pounds) of honey per country. So this represents less than a quarter of this year.
The consequence of small quantities of high-quality Slovenian honey means stores will need to import more foreign honey.
Help by Ministry of Agriculture and the Environment
At the Ministry of Agriculture and the
Environment, they responded very quickly and decide that beekeepers with
20 beehives or more will get financial help in the amount 5 € per hive and beekeepers with less than 20 beehives will get oxalic acid for free(!!!!!).
Source: Slovenian Beekeeping Association
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