Τρίτη 23 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

ΕΤΗΣΙΟ ΣΥΝΕΔΡΙΟ ΜΕΛΙΣΣΟΘΕΡΑΠΕΙΑΣ-ΡΟΥΜΑΝΙΑ-I-St. I.F.A. and VII-th. Romanian Apitherapy Congress, Expo and Workshops October 17-21, Aro-Palace Hotel , Brasov , Romania Scientific Program, October 17-19, 2014

Speakers and authors that will present their work during our Congress
  • Dr. Andres Castillo Montenegro (Ecuador), President of the International Federation of Apitherapy.
  • Eng. Jose Cabrera Cabrera (Ecuador), Secretary of the International Federation of Apitherapy.
  • Drd. Stefan Stangaciu , President of the Romanian and German Apitherapy Societies. Secretary General of the International Federation of Apitherapy
  • Prof. Dr. Farm. Viorica Istudor (UMF Bucharest), Vice-President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society.
  • Dr. Cristina Aosan , Vice-President of the Romanian Apitherapy Society and Member in the Apitherapy Commission of Apimondia - Natural treatment including Apitherapy for a group of Pregnant Women with Multiple Sclerosis.
  • Dr. Körmendy-Rácz János , Vice-President of the International Federation of Apiherapy, President of the Hungarian Apitherapy Society - Detoxification Massage with pure Hungarian Acacia Honey .
  • Etienne Bruneau , President of the Beekeeping Technology and Quality Commission of Apimondia (Belgium) - Honeybee Colony Disorder in Crop Areas: The Role of Pesticides and Viruses.
  • Jan Gîlcescu (Epsicom Society, Craiova, Romania) – New Bee Products Inhaler Device.
  • Badiaa Lyoussi (Morocco) , President Deputy of Arab Union of Pharmacology, Member of Apitherapy Commission of Apimondia - General Characterization, Pharmacological Effects of Moroccan Bee Products from Experimental Studies to Clinical Investigation
  • Dr. Dana Pop (Children Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania) -Apiphytotherapy against urinary infections in children. 
  • Dr. Eng. Otilia Bobis (USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Romania). Ştefan STÂNGACIU, Liviu Al. MĂRGHITAŞ, Daniel DEZMIREAN, Victoriţa BONTA, Rodica MĂRGĂOAN and (Romania) - General Quality Parameters for Bee Products Used in Apitherapy .
  • Rodica Margaoan , Liviu Al. Mǎrghitaș, Marius Zǎhan, Dan Dezmirean, Otilia Bobiș, Bogdan Gherman - Antitumor activity of methanol pollen extract on murine colon cancer cell line.
  • Prof. Andreas Thrasyvoulou (Laboratory of Apiculture-Sericulture, Aristotle University Thessaloniki, www.beelab.gr ), Tananaki Chysoula, Liolios Vasilis, Kanelis Dimitris, Dimou Maria, Goras Georgios Karazafiris Emmanouel - Standards and Regulations of Royal Jelly and Pollen.
  • Prof. Jozef Simuth (Slovakia) - The royal jelly proteins on the way from empiricism to scientific based application of honey bee products.
  • Dr. Sonata Trumbeckaite , Povilas Rimkus, Algirdas Baltuskevicius (Lithuania) -Apitherapy in Lithuania: History, Present and Perspectives.
  • Dr. Rafael Felitti , dentist (Montevideo, Uruguay) - Propolis in Dentistry. Uses and applications.
  • Ionut Moraru (Romania) - Innovative product for the Hygiene and Treatment of Oral Diseases obtained from raw bee products.
  • Dr. Mayra Texeira (Uruguay) - Uses of Bee Venom Mesotherapy in Esthetic Medicine
  • Violeta Pîrvu, MD (Romania) - Apiphytotherapy treatment against Depression and Anxiety: Clinical cases.
  • Dr. Samir (Jordan) - My Clinical Experience in Api-Phytotherapy In Jordan
  • Mahmud Jaber (Jordan) - Apitherapy in Jordan: Past Present and Future Perspectives. 
  • Beate Lenz (Berlin, Germany) - Use of Bee Products in Physiotherapy
  • Nelly Pfeiffer (Apiestetic Ltd., Bucharest, Romania), best specialist in the world in Api-Cosmetics 
  • Prof. Miao Xiaoqing , Fuzhou, China), President of the Chinese Apitherapy Association, specialist in Shen-Feng method from Traditional Chinese Medicine -Apitherapy in China, past, present and perspectives .
  • Dr. Verica Milojkovic, Serbia , President of the Serbian Apitherapy Society -Propolis against chronic non-healing wounds. Clinical cases .
  • Dr. Cristina Pavel , Secretary of the Romanian Apitherapy Society, specialist in Api-Phytotherapy and Ayurveda Use of Apitherapy in in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Rheumatology and Neurology.
  • Drd. Orodan Leucian Mihaela , Dr. Mindrescu Dorin - Apiphytotherapy in the Treatment of Respiratory Diseases. Clinical Cases.
  • Dr. Daniela Ileana (Brasov, Romania) - Case Study: Favorable evolution of a patient having Cirrhosis with viral hepatitis C treated with Apitherapy, Phytotherapy and healthy Vegetarian Diet.
  • Dr. Claudiu Mihaescu (Breaza, Romania) Bee venom therapy in a case of locked-in syndrome.
  • Dr. Ramona Grosu , Alina Varadi (CasaBIO, Cluj-Napoca, Romania) - The Pollen, Food and Medicine. Apitherapy applied to the Treatment of Collon Cancer. Clinical experiences.
  • Dr Anca Cioltan - Clinical case with depression treated with Api-Phytotherapy and Ayurveda.
  • Dr. Mirela Strant , Dr. Ramona Grosu (Cluj-Napoca) - Api-phyto-aromatherapy against diseases specific to women. Clinical cases.
  • Dr. Cristina Ghiciuc, Dr. Cristina Pavel , Prof. Dr. Catalina Elena Lupusoru - Use of honey, bee pollen, propolis and bee venom in Oncology .

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