Πέμπτη 8 Οκτωβρίου 2009

Antibacterial Honey Lozenges

Made almost entirely from Manuka and Honeydew ACTIVE AAH™ honeys, these lozenges are unlike anything you’ve ever had before. ACTIVE AAH™ honeys are high in antibacterial activity, antioxidants and oligosaccharides. To findout more about ACTIVE AAH™ honeys click here.

Airborne Health Antibacterial Honey Lozenges
are effective at soothing sore throats, coughs and colds: in a recent study, honeys high in antioxidants were shown to be more effective at soothing coughs than cough medicine. They’re also a lot safer than other lozenges as they don’t contain any chemical ingredients, many of which have limited or no research on their safety once consumed.

Airborne Health Antibacterial Honey Lozenges are:

  • The only lozenge that targets sore throats and coughs
  • The only lozenge that is made almost entirely from honey – even other ‘honey’ lozenges contain sugar or artificial ingredients as their first ingredient
  • High in Vitamin C, which is believed to help recovery from colds
  • High in natural antibacterial activity and oligosaccharides
  • The only lozenge high in antioxidants
  • Made with a patented process, only Airborne Health Antibacterial Honey Lozenges contain honey that is dried, not boiled, which retains the natural health properties of the ACTIVE AAH™ honeys.

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