Παρασκευή 28 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Beekeeping. Part of the awareness campaign and monitoring "Stop Vespa Velutina" -ΚΑΜΠΑΝΙΑ ΓΙΑ ΣΥΝΑΓΕΡΜΟ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΡΑΤΗΡΗΣΗ ΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΑΣΙΑΤΙΚΗ ΣΦΗΚΑ

Beekeeping. Part of the awareness campaign and monitoring "Stop Vespa Velutina"Editorial
GENOA - A public awareness campaign by putting up posters in all the municipalities of the provinces of Liguria concerned by the possible presence of Vespa velutina, 

a toll free number (800 445 445) and an email address (vespavelutina@regione.liguria.it) for reports from citizens.   

They are part of the initiative of the Region of Liguria #stopvespavelutina promoted by the Regional Agriculture Stefano Mai that will start these days.

"We are constantly engaged in contrast to the Vespa velutina, localized especially in the province of Imperia, and against the risk of spreading across our land - says councilor Mai - according to experts, the Liguria could act as a corridor of spreading this insect in other regions.

 Therefore they are very important reports from all citizens as well as the Ligurian beekeepers, on the possible presence on the territory of this dangerous insect that puts at risk our honey production. " 

 The velutina wasp or hornet Asia since 2012 is in fact causing losses of up to 50% of hives in some areas of western Liguria.

 To address this threat, it has long been active in Western Liguria different teams consist of volunteers of beekeeping Apiliguria and also the Civil Protection, which in recent years have dammed so commendable phenomenon....

Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2016

Honey, Made in Italy collapsed by 70% ΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΠΑΡΑΓΩΓΗΣ ΜΕΛΙΟΥ ΣΤΗΝ ΙΤΑΛΙΑ ΚΑΤΑ ...70%

Honey, Made in Italy collapsed by 70%climate change and pesticides lead to the collapse of the national production of honey, especially acacia and citrus: expect price rises in consumer prices.Last updated: September 8th, 2016Photo: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY - WBU / OlycomPhoto: SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY - WBU / Olycom2 min 

Bad news for those who are fond of Italian honey: Giancarlo Naldi, President of the National Observatory Honey, and Diego Pagani, president of the National Beekeepers Association, warned that the national beekeeping relative to 2016 has experienced one of the worst years for 35 years this part, recording a drop in production of 70%.  

The main consequence is that the availability to consumers is significantly lower and that prices will rise: the price increases are expected on average by 20%.

The reasons for the crisis called into question the climate changes and the extensive use of pesticides on crops.  

At the expense it was mainly the two major national productions, namely that of the acacia honey and citrus honey.

 In Piedmont and Triveneto, they say Naldi and Pagani, tips zero production of acacia honey were reached and a meltdown same one counts to Sicily to that of citrus fruits
.The data were presented during a meeting between Naldi and Pagans together with the Deputy Minister of Agriculture Andrea Oliviero, which for its part has pledged to increase controls against fraud.http://www.quotidiano.net/benessere/food/miele-il-made-in-italy-crolla-del-70-1.2494217?wt_mc=fbuser

Τετάρτη 26 Οκτωβρίου 2016